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isopod's Blog

"i fucking love fallout"
16 years old
United States
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this entire thing got deleted once so i'm rewriting it but FALLOUT SHOW?? | isopod | MySpace46

this entire thing got deleted once so i'm rewriting it but FALLOUT SHOW??

warning : fallout show spoilers and spoilers for like every fallout game ever (except for fo4 and fo3. fuck fo4 and fo3) ahead BE WARNED!!!

ok so i've only seen the first episode bc it's that time in the school year where im super duper busy but likeeee i luv it!!

from what i've seen, there's a ghoul. he looks badass but i wish he looked more like the old fallout ghouls. where's the crust???

i LOVE lucy. she's soo cute and im rly excited to see her character development bc obvi that kind of niceness isn't gonna last in the mojave wasteland. like girl. someone's gonna shoot you.

my hb has already seen the entire thing and he said that new vegas shows up near the end?? but like this show takes place 20 or so years after FNV so i'm super curious to see how things are going over there. is the courier partnered w mr house?? does the courier run the show w yes man?? obvi the NCR didn't take control bc from what i've seen they're kaput but it wld b interesting to see how nv is going. also i wld really wanna see the strip in live action!! it would be cool!! ALSO THE KINGS??? like can u imagine seeing 200 men in shitty old elvis costumes w pompadours... t'would be funny i think.

also it would be cool to see their take on the courier. the courier goes through insane shit and at full potential, could no diff frank horrigan WHICH IS SERIOUSLY FUCKING SAYING SOMETHING CONSIDERING THAT FH WAS ONLY BEATABLE IN FO2 BECAUSE THE GAME HAD TO BE WINNABLE. so, it would be neat to see who they choose to play the courier and how the studio would configure the courier's personality. especially if they make the DLCs canon. that would mean that the courier has been lobotomized not once, but TWICE! also stealth suit courier/???? fuck yeah. my courier had the stealth suit and an NCR ranger helmet and that shit ATE. ok my tummy hurts so im gonna wrap it up but like if anyone else likes fallout im happy to yap abt it

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