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coldout's Blog

"Read, read, read... write it down."
23 years old
United States
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present moment: mere images | coldout | MySpace46

present moment: mere images

now there really is a lost blog on here. I typed up a whole post that harkened back to "presence and future; looking around" and rendered updated opinions on 46, but I stopped paying attention too long and that thing got deleted. lot I could say about that but I think I oughta get to the point here, cuz I gotta go somewhere at 8pm my time, which is ten minutes from now.

spitting this thing out is the least and probably the most I can do. things aren't like they used to be - thank god. I didn't get to turn what once was into what I wanted it to be. I tried to do research on it, but couldn't muster the focus or wherewithal to actually get things rolling. had no clue what I was doing. I've been trying to write on it, but I've been writing nearly everything else, which makes it a little hard. I tried to relive it, and that's just not an option. '93 only happened once and I'll have to be okay with it.

my last blog largely commented on what was going on, where the words and images found themselves, and what fabrics they were unwittingly weaving. I think the quilt of myspace93 is a lot like the internet - the living internet - at large. people doing some really cool things and a unique medium to do all of it. at a glance, it's incredible. at the microscopic level, it's an entire world. if you're just kinda there, though, in between, it kinda sucks. more trend and mimicry than life and creativity.

46 isn't very active, which is a boon to the tech. I've let out some hollers for folks to come back, to check it out, but they're gone. it's a loss for the folks. we'll see if anything pops outta this pan. in the meantime, I'll keep trying to chisel into the code, if I can find anything worth keeping. check back here - I'll get better.

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@googleplex, you are very right and thank you for the comment. this blog, however, is an exercise in futility and an escape to semi-anonymity. the barriers, inconsistencies, and maladaptation are all part of the point.

talked about it here https://myspace.windows93.net/blog.php?id=13752&b=3


i think this site isn't the audience you're looking for... hardly used tumblr but seems like the kinda place for this kinda thing
also if it's a problem for you you could always type your blog into notepad and copy-paste it into the blog box when you're done?? not ideal but not much that can be done i think
