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allenkitty's Blog

"message me lets play a game or something"
19 years old
United States
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1/8/22 - since M93 shut down | allenkitty | MySpace46

1/8/22 - since M93 shut down

since m93 shut down in june 2021:

had a whole whirl-wind of relationships, friendships, hookups all pretty much before and after i turned 18
had a situationship boyfriend from july 2021-22 after he was just really cold to me when i stayed with him for 2 weeks, some of the best times of my life but he decided to part from me not the other way around
friend i met in june or july 2021 randomly blocked me a couple weeks before my birthday and i had multiple ppl message him so i could get my damn instax camera back lol
body count went from 2 to 10 but really i only count probably 7 or 8
turned 18 and the Incident occured where we took too much cbd gummy and threw up on my floor
started T on 1/15, almost a year now
got my own car!
went to florida! spring break 2022 had a lot of fun and spent a lot of money
made a 27 on the ACT :)
made a 5 on the eng lit and comp test - the only one in my class :) i definitely didn't finish all three essays though so idk how
quit my first job i worked at from july 2021-22
got my drivers license!
went to chattanooga for 2 weeks, had to take the highway not the interstate so it took 4 hours instead of 2, had never driven more than an hour at once before -- went well actually
met the current love of my life 2 days before i had to leave chatt, took her on a date on a whim after we connected on the fact that we both love fallout equestria, so thanks to who wrote that i otherwise might not have gone out with her
the night after the first date we went on a second and boned lol
started a new job in august! i like it pretty good just wish people would stop quitting or getting fired
started my senior year of highschool - yes im a 19 year old senior :(
turned 19 and didn't die - nothing bad happened on my birthday for once
started my first dual enrollment class and passed it
started AP Art >:( never take it you will kill yourself
had two other easy classes bc the school messed up my schedule
started the new year off with a bang (literally)

and i'm slated to:
take 3 dual enrollment classes this semester
graduate in may
attend one of two colleges - accepted into both that i applied to :)
hopefully- get at least a 3 or ideally a 4 or 5 on my AP Art portfolio

things i didn't do:
get any tattoos or piercings after i turned 18 because im so choosey and miserly
catch any stds
do any drugs or alcohol besides trying out getting tipsy once and the Incident on my 18th birthday

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if u actually read it i did do drugs!!! took gummy threw up on floor like a boss

Apple Support

you suck you didnt do any drugs


that is some crazy shit man congrats
