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247 crow | MySpace46


"im in ur area! im in! ur area!"

17 years old
Last Login:

crow is in your extended network

crow's blurbs

About me:

[previously lil quagsire pfp. u know me u love me i had engaging talks w master chief i miss ms93 every day of my life]
he/him primarily here is my PRONOUNY
hii hi i like horror games of all shapes and sizes and minecraft and pokemon!!! i like ARGs like mystery flesh pit, monument mythos, SCP foundation, etc...
i love mutual aid i love kindness in the world i love terrestrial and aquatic isopods i love manta rays i am like a boy girlfriend and a wizard and a robot. hope this clears things up
fuck cops (not like that. only leon kennedy like that) i love xenogenders and having fun and love wins. not an atheist not traditionally religious but a secret third thing
yeah use tone indicators or put your intent in brackets before the statement like choosing a dialogue option in an rpg game or in parentheses afterwards whatever floats your goat. i am autistic though so choose wisely
also a sailor moon fan. can you tell who my favorite is [this will make sense once ive done css and added gifs. please be patient lmao]

Who I'd like to meet:

jerma fans, pokemon showdown players (who will put up with my poorly-built teams of just the guys i enjoy), people who are still visibly deranged but by god are they doing their best, optimists, people who will look at a cis man and call him their girlfriend, slasher movie enjoyers, ghibli movie watchers, etc etc. gay people nd people let's just exist near each other like cats

crow's Fwiends Space
crow has 2 fwiends.
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