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MothEnjoyer420's Blog

"It's not stealing if you run fast enough!"
unfeeling steel (jk)
100 years old
United Kingdom
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Hitchhiker's Guide to ss13 | MothEnjoyer420 | MySpace46

Hitchhiker's Guide to ss13

Hiya boyos, it's me, mothenjoyer420 and today we'll be talking about a REALLY niche game called ss13 and how you can get into it!!!!!! :D

First ya wanna get BYOND (Build Your Own Net Dream), it's a really bloody old game making/joining platform and tbh it may look like a virus, but please trust me it's not#

then you wanna start looking for a server, good choices are:
goonstation wiki/server links https://wiki.ss13.co/Main_Page

TGStation servers: https://tgstation13.org/ (note that TGMC is not base ss13 but is instead a varient)
TG Wiki: https://tgstation13.org/wiki/Main_Page
Beestation wiki/serverlinks https://wiki.beestation13.com/view/Main_Page

next, learn controls, almost always remember that X is to switch hands, be REALLY careful where you click, and T is to speak, remember radio prefixes too!!!

and then you've got a base understanding, although it's best you check the wikis and not just go in with this

have fun out in space!! ill be updating this btw

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