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haveyoufoundawayout's Blog

"Eventually I'll realize I'm not fourteen anymore."
20 years old
United States
Last Login: 1680399079
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rip rs

feels weird not doing this on tumblr. watching all the gifs flicker to the side, community, knowing they'd see it. to 13/14 year old me it was one of the first times I really felt like I was a part of something. there was still the feeling of having jumped in while something was already going on, but it wasn't as severe, and I was able to do stuff on my own. oh how I've always wanted to create. and, more importantly, being there with my friends. there was something so intimate about that new post button. hell, the modern amenities were nice too. who knew we'd come to refer to websites as our parents do hotels or cars? maybe it was the "private" option. how ridiculous is that; posting privately on an account that maybe five people actually read. I regret deleting my old blog. I lost a lot of stuff I didn't intend to; thought I'd backed it up. impulsive.

nevertheless, things change, I guess. nothing to really say in this first post, it's just a matter of ticking off a box. "present". I hope I find a voice like I did before. diaries are better digital. lay your head down and let the wires run with your hair.


26 Aug 2020, 23:16

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