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edgelord absol's Blog

"i'm always like this! deal with it"
18 years old
United States
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Well well well what we have here

Greek man and Turkish man are arguing with each other about which country is the best. Meanwhile, I'm in Italy trying to enjoy pizza and a Italian soda.


A.I generated story

Ok so what I have right here is an A.I generated story about a group of digimons buying a mansion in The Bahamas, made by ChatGPT.

In the sun-soaked paradise of The Bahamas, nestled amidst palm trees and turquoise waters, stood a magnificent mansion that was rumored to be enchanted. This mansion, with its Victorian architecture and sprawling gardens, was not an ordinary abode. It had a peculiar history and an even more peculiar group of inhabitants.

The mansion was bought by an extraordinary ensemble of digital creatures who had journeyed across dimensions to find a place they could call home. Among them were Agumon, the fiery dinosaur; Gabumon, the enigmatic creature cloaked in blue fur; Patamon, the lovable angelic being with large ears; Gatomon, the feline digimon with a kind heart; Veemon, the dragon-like digimon with a cheerful spirit; Guilmon, the crimson reptile with a thirst for adventure; Renamon, the elegant and mysterious fox digimon; Shoutmon, the energetic dragon-like creature with a crown on his head; GumDramon, the mischievous digimon with a sly grin; Spadamon, the noble knight with a sense of honor; Pulsemon, the electrically charged digimon with a sparky personality; Gatchmon, the curious and tech-savvy creature; Dokamon, the digimon encased in powerful armor; Musimon, the musical digimon with a passion for melodies; Hackmon, the vigilant and wise digimon; Offmon, the playful and carefree digital entity; Onmon, the diligent and hardworking digimon; Navimon, the flying digimon with a talent for navigation; Dorumon, the dragon digimon with a sense of loyalty; and Gammamon, the playful and friendly digimon with a love for games.

Together, they formed an eclectic family, living harmoniously in their new mansion. Each day was filled with laughter, camaraderie, and the joy of exploration. They spent their mornings swimming in the crystal-clear waters, their afternoons lounging in the shade of palm trees, and their evenings dancing under the starlit sky.

One sunny day, as they were exploring the depths of their mansion, they stumbled upon a hidden room filled with ancient artifacts and mysterious scrolls. Among the artifacts was a peculiar amulet that seemed to shimmer with otherworldly energy. As soon as Agumon touched the amulet, a magical portal opened, revealing a world beyond their wildest imagination.

Intrigued and excited, the digimon decided to embark on a grand adventure through the portal. Little did they know that this journey would lead them to distant lands, challenging trials, and the discovery of their true purpose.

As they traversed through different dimensions, they encountered new friends and foes, faced perilous challenges, and unlocked their hidden potentials. Along the way, they learned valuable lessons about friendship, courage, and the importance of embracing diversity.

Their adventures took them to fantastical realms, from enchanted forests to futuristic cities, and they faced adversaries that tested their mettle. Through it all, they stood united, their bond growing stronger with every challenge they overcame.

Eventually, after a series of epic battles and heartwarming moments, they returned to their beloved mansion in The Bahamas. They realized that home was not just a place but a feeling of belonging and acceptance. They had found their true family in each other, transcending the boundaries of their digital origins.

And so, the digimon continued to live their extraordinary lives in the enchanted mansion, cherishing their adventures and the unbreakable bond that held them together. In the heart of The Bahamas, they found not only a beautiful home but also a place where their spirits soared, and their hearts were forever entwined in the magic of friendship.


The artificial intelligence in literature

The Ewe novel you are about to read is a short story titled: "A journey to remember". The story is about a young boy named Kofi and his family moving to the new village from the old village called Agbozume, and the novel is written by believe it or not chat gpt, the chat bot by open AI. Take a look how artificial intelligence went as far as to create the literature with a serious tone and a descriptive writing style.

Title: A Journey to Remember

Chapter 1: The Departure

The sun had just begun to rise as the bustling market in Agbozume came to life. It was a day that marked the beginning of a long and arduous journey for young Kofi. He had been dreaming of this day for years, and the excitement he felt was palpable.

Kofi’s family had decided to move to a new village, far from the only home he had ever known. He was sad to leave his childhood friends, but he knew that this journey was necessary for his family’s future.

As they packed their belongings onto the cart, Kofi took one last look at his home. The palm trees swayed gently in the breeze, the colors of the market were vibrant, and the smell of spices and fresh produce filled the air. He knew he would miss it all, but he was ready for the adventure that lay ahead.

Chapter 2: The Journey

The journey was long and grueling. The sun beat down relentlessly, and the dust from the road coated their clothes and skin. The only respite came from the occasional shade of a tree or the cool breeze that would sweep across the savannah.

Despite the hardships, Kofi was in awe of the beauty that surrounded him. The vast expanse of the savannah seemed to stretch on forever, and the hills in the distance were a sight to behold. He was fascinated by the way the light played across the landscape, casting shadows that danced in the heat.

As the days passed, Kofi’s family made their way deeper into the countryside. They crossed rivers and streams, climbed hills, and descended into valleys. Every turn brought a new vista to behold, and Kofi couldn’t help but feel a sense of wonder and awe.

Chapter 3: Arrival

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, they arrived at their destination. The village was small and humble, but it was full of life and hope. The people welcomed them with open arms, and Kofi knew that this was where they were meant to be.

As he looked around, Kofi realized that this journey had been about more than just moving to a new home. It had been a journey of self-discovery, of understanding his place in the world, and of coming to appreciate the beauty of his homeland.

He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead. For Kofi, this journey would always be a reminder of the power of perseverance, the strength of the human spirit, and the beauty of the Ewe land.