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The Online Mercedes's Blog

"Stay Freaky"
18 years old
United States
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I'm in love again

So, I fell in love with one of my friends. His name will remain a secret for now but let's just call him Charlie. Charlie is a guy I met at our table during my English 3 class. At first, I didn't really get him but I really wanted to be his friend. We both have the class after English in the same hallway so I started conversations with him and I soon started referring to him as my friend. There's just one problem though and it's that he sometimes finds me to be a bit annoying. It's not that big of an issue and he's even warming up to my presence even if it can get slightly obsessive at times whenever my romantic feelings really take control. Most of the time though, I get too nervous to actually know what to say and there's also times in which I freak out and lash out at my friends because they're teasing me and I'm scared about the possibility of him finding out about my true feelings. I think he knows because he's a very observant person but he personally doesn't say much so I actually don't know if this is the case. However, he does smile at me and there are times in which we say jokes and I make him laugh such as Friday when I told him that he should stop procrastinating on his essay and he told me that he only had to write the conclusion. I then corrected myself because most of my friends are horrible procrastinators who don't finish things on time and he let out a small chuckle. I like spending time with him. Friday was a good day for me though because I was sitting with him and his friends. Lunch ends at 2:06 and it was about 2:00 when I was already sitting with them. Charlie was showing his friends random things on his phone and I was about to get up and leave when he paused for a bit, pointed at me, and said "Don't move yet. I have to show you something." with the most serious tone. It was honestly fun to see everything he was showing me. I saw some things he made in Minecraft, a little figurine that he 3D printed, a tower of cups he made from the floor to the ceiling of his robotics class, a robot he made in the same robotics class, a door sign that he made in his BIM class during freshman year, and a pixelated drawing that he made in Microsoft Excel for that same BIM class. He told me to stay like almost 10 times and when the bell rang, we were walking side by side while he showed me some videos of traps and other things he made in Minecraft instead of me just following him and his friends like a shadow. Another thing that happened is that he kept moving his finger back and forth across my shoulder to see if my fluffy jacket was 2 sided and I was so nervous that I think his friends noticed I was trying to not smile and blush at the same time. At the end of our 3rd class, I walked to my AP Pre-Cal class with him like I always do and he told me that he was still tired because he was still running on like 2 hours of sleep and it felt like if it hadn't been for us having 2 different classes during our 4th period, we could've kept talking forever. When school ended, I walked to where he was and he looked at me before asking me how I was doing and I told him that I was falling asleep in my class. He showed a hand sign that he learned how to do but it's like a gang sign (I swear he's like hyper obsessed with dangerous things and it's not a good thing but I can't stay mad at him since he only does it for fun even if he's still playing with fire in the process and he also understands my somewhat deep hyperfixation with fire). At like 10 PM, I sent him a message on Discord since I no longer give out my phone number to friends of mine and he thought I was sending him a riddle because I brought up something in his about me but I told him what I was talking about and he answered me although he did say that I'm a confusing person. He went offline though so I started listening to Turning Out Pt. iii from The Maybe Man album by AJR on Spotify and he sent me a message telling me that he loved the album but I got so nervous about how to respond since that song kind of describes how he sort of makes me feel that I ended up leaving him on read and kind of killed our conversation which is sad since I won't get to see him in person until Tuesday. Also, I have like 3 pictures of him that I took of him and some of my friends that we know so at least I'll have that to keep me sane while I patiently wait if I don't get to talk to him online. The only thing I'm not looking forward to about going back is that there's a slight chance that one of my friends who knows I like Charlie will go through with an ultimatum that he gave me in which I either tell Charlie about how I feel or else he's going to personally tell Charlie himself and I really don't want Charlie to know about how I feel yet. To be fair though, every moment we spend feels like pure bliss to me. Overall though, I'm glad I met Charlie because he's very special to me


I forgot I made an account here

Hey guys! So, I know that forgetting something such as the fact that I had an account here is bad. However, let me explain how I remembered. Basically, someone shared with me the unblocked link to Interstellar (Interstellar is basically a proxy used to bypass school web blockers) and I had an old bookmarks folder with a lot of things that I could access at home but not at school so I was browsing through that folder looking for things to use with the proxy. That's how I'm here now


How to get rid of cough(Cómo deshacerse de la tos)

Hello guys. Today I’m answering the question of how to get rid of cough since almost everyone I know is suffering with this mysterious cough including myself. So, first you’ll need a lot of water since water controls the cough and keeps your throat from feeling irritated to the point where you’re going to cough. Next, you’ll need to stop eating spicy foods unless your cough is almost gone since that will just keep you coughing uncontrollably forever (unless you drink water or a cold beverage of your choice). Also, you should go to your primary doctor since your doctor can give you medicine that is stronger than over the counter medications such as pills, DayQuil/NyQuil, or other cough medicine. I personally got prescribed steroids since nothing else from the US worked and I was running out of the Mexican cough syrup that was actually doing a good job at keeping my cough under control but I don’t have the time to go to Mexico just to get more of that disgusting cough syrup. Then, I also had to give up on talking a lot since talking a lot leads to coughing. Unfortunately, I will say that the cough won’t go away overnight so you’ll have to just deal with it. Also, USE VICKS vapor rub. It helps out a lot. And if you can, get some vapor inhalers like the one in this photo
Well, that’s all the advice I have for today. Bye Bye!
Hola chicos. Hoy estoy respondiendo a la pregunta de cómo deshacerse de la tos, ya que casi todas las personas que conozco están sufriendo con esta misteriosa tos, incluyéndome a mí mismo. Por lo tanto, primero necesitarás mucha agua, ya que el agua controla la tos y evita que tu garganta se sienta irritada hasta el punto en que vas a toser. A continuación, tendrás que dejar de comer alimentos picantes a menos que tu tos casi desaparezca, ya que eso te mantendrá tosiendo incontrolablemente para siempre (a menos que bebas agua o una bebida fría de tu elección). Además, debe ir a su médico de cabecera, ya que su médico puede darle medicamentos que sean más fuertes que los medicamentos de venta libre, como píldoras, DayQuil/NyQuil u otros medicamentos para la tos. Personalmente me recetaron esteroides ya que nada más de los EE. UU. funcionó y me estaba quedando sin el jarabe para la tos mexicano que en realidad estaba haciendo un buen trabajo para mantener mi tos bajo control, pero no tengo tiempo para ir a México solo para obtener más de ese asqueroso jarabe para la tos. Entonces, también tuve que dejar de hablar mucho, ya que hablar mucho lleva a toser. Desafortunadamente, diré que la tos no desaparecerá de la noche a la mañana, así que tendrás que lidiar con ella. Además, USE el masaje de vapor de VICKS. Es de gran ayuda. Y si puedes, consigue algunos inhaladores de vapor como el de esta foto
Https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/61f7b61f-2df3-48ff-9df1-938c76ec4574.537c92d7db267aee385a5d0e568c7228.jpeg? odnHeight=612&odnWidth=612&odnBg=FFFFFF
Bueno, ese es todo el consejo que tengo para hoy. ¡Adiós, adiós!


Día Ajetreado (Busy Day)

En realidad me esta gustando esto de escribir en dos idiomas. Creó que lo voy a hacer más. Primero escribiré en español y luego en inglés. Por cierto, Español es mi primer lenguaje pero debido a que no lo uso mucho en la calle, puede ser que me haiga equivocado un poco en escribir esto.

I'm really enjoying writing in two languages. I think I'm going to do it more from now on. I will first write in Spanish and then in English. Also, don't mind any grammar mistakes. I got lazy and just used google translate for this blog after typing up the blog in Spanish, my first language. Yes, Spanish is my first language but after I learned English, I started to forget how to properly write or say certain things in Spanish from time to time.



Ayer tuve un día muy ocupado. Me levante a las 7 de la mañana y salimos de la casa a las 10. Fuimos a una tienda donde se venden las cosas que tiendas regulares no pudieron vender. Mi mamá compró ropa, un pizarrón, y zapatos. Mientras estábamos en la tienda, a mi me dio hambre y me fue a Taco Bell, un restaurante de comida rápida “Mexicana” en los Estados Unidos, con mi papá. Terminamos de comer y nos salimos del restaurante para recoger a mi mamá que se quedó en la tienda. Por cierto, la mesa en la que nos sentamos era muy chica para 2 personas. Yo siempre ordeno el combo #6 que se mira así pero sin tomates en las chalupas y con una Pepsi.

Taco Bell 2 Chalupas Supreme® Combo

Yo se que si personas me vieran en la vida real, se confundirían al ver toda la comida pero en realidad, mi papá se come el taco mientras que yo me como las chalupas. Luego fui a Walmart y compramos solución para cambiar el color de pelo, chocolates de los que tenían en liquidación por la pascua, y otros productos de higiene. Después de eso, fuimos a la fiesta de mi amiga de el kinder pero no nos quedamos mucho porque son cristianos y no duran mucho sus fiestas. Al final, nos fuimos como a las 10:30 y luego fuimos a una quinceañera. El problema es que la quinceañera estuvo aburrida y no conozco a la chica. Solo fui invitada porque mi mamá conoce a su mamá. En fin, mi día fue muy interesante pero nunca más volvere a estar asi de ocupada y ajetreada. Los volvere a ver pronto. Adios!



Yesterday I had a very busy day. I got up at 7 in the morning and we left the house at 10. We went to a store that sells things that regular stores couldn't sell. My mom bought clothes, a blackboard, and shoes. While we were at the store, I got hungry and went to Taco Bell, a “Mexican” fast food restaurant in the United States, with my dad. We finished eating and left the restaurant to pick up my mom who stayed in the store. By the way, the table we sat at was too small for 2 people. I always order the #6 combo that looks like this but without the tomatoes on the chalupas and with a Pepsi.

Taco Bell 2 Chalupas Supreme® Combo

I know that if people saw me in real life, they would be confused when they saw all the food, but in reality, my dad eats the taco while I eat the chalupas. Then I went to Walmart and we bought solution to change the hair color, chocolates that they had on sale for Easter, and other hygiene products. After that, we went to my kindergarten friend's party but we didn't stay long because they are Christians and their parties don't last long. In the end, we left around 10:30 and then we went to a quinceañera. The problem is that the quinceañera was bored and I don't know the girl. I was only invited because my mom knows her mom. Anyway, my day was very interesting but I will never be this busy and hectic again. I will see you again soon. Bye bye!


Where I’ve been

Hello. So, you might have noticed that I disappeared from this website for a while. Well, the truth is that I lent my iPad to a friend for a project and she signed out of my Apple ID to install procreate. Well, doing that deleted all of my passwords that were on the iPad. Now, you might be thinking, “Don’t you know your passwords?”. Well, I had to guess my password for this website because I also forgot to airdrop the password to the iPad. I also forgot to sign in because my PS3 doesn’t support this website and I was using my PS3 to blog when I broke my glasses. Yeah, I broke my glasses in Mexico at the bus terminal by running into the restroom and looking down on the ground. My glasses were loose so they broke when they fell. I also haven’t had much time to focus due to school and homework. I also have an essay to write for US History due tomorrow about Westward Expansion but I don’t know what to type. I’m just going to go home and do it because I think I’ll focus more at my house. My class is quiet. Too quiet. I need to listen to something but the only headphones that I have are 3.5 mm earbuds and the only port on my iPad is for usb-c so they won’t work. I could plug them into my chromebook but the chromebook is at like 30 percent so it’s close to dying. I should have brought my Bluetooth headphones to school but they’re probably dead. Wait. Why am I talking to you? You probably don’t care about this. You probably just want to go to sleep or something. I understand. I could technically do my essay tomorrow since my art teacher won’t be in class but I know that if I do that, I won’t do any work so I’m just going to do it all tonight so that tomorrow, I can chill. I want that one iPod Nano with a camera in it and a trycicle but my parents will probably say no. I started keeping a proper journal and it’s so good. I draw in it and I also started writing in cursive because of it. Overall, my life is pretty good. Thanks for reading my blog. Bye Bye!


What Is Love?

i thought I knew what love was until I met her.

Until I met you

It was slow at first. We started off as good friends who bonded over only knowing each other for 1 class and ever since then, we have been inseperable. I missed seing you in class and our daily conversations. I did not know why but I felt so empty without you. I constantly searched for your companionship and wanted to be around you. I thought it was common for all good friends to do that until my best friend brought it up. She told me to tell you the truth but I brushed it off. Now I sit here typing this hoping to get it off my chest since I cannot tell anyone because you are beloved by everyone we know well. i do not want you to see me as a freak because of this but I also do not want to hurt you. If I could, I wouuld get rid of these of these feelings, I would but I want to type this before I tell you.

Before I tell her :(


Thanksgiving at my house

Hello everyone! Today is Thanksgiving Day at my house and it has been unfortunately boring. You see, I was lying on my bed doing homework until 3 PM and when I finished, I told my mom how to cook the ham in Spanish since she can't understand the instructions in English. Then, my dad pushed buttons in the oven to heat it up and put the ham in it. However, the temperature was put at 180 when the instructions said 352. This meant that the ham was being cooked very VEEEEERRRRY slowly. My mom realized it and immediatly told off my dad on this and asked me to double check the instructions. My uncle was supposed to eat with us but it’s quite late and I doubt he’ll show up. I wish I could redo the last few hours so that maybe I wouldn’t be bored right now. I have my kindle with me and I would have typed this up on there but I don’t feel like torturing myself so I’m posting this from my phone. The good thing about today is that I have my camera so we can take photos with it and then decorate them with my film stickers. I can’t wait to eat the delicious food. I’m grateful for my friends, life, and my family. I’m also grateful to have all of you to talk to. That’s all I have to say in this blog. Have fun, appreciate what you have, try to not get in an argument with you family, and I’ll see you all tomorrow with my blog for Black Friday. Bye Bye!